Lent & Holy Week at Bethany

Join us during Lent as we Journey to Jerusalem.

Throughout Lent

Ash Wednesday Service: March 5 at 7 PM
Soup Suppers: Wednesdays, March 5-April 9 at 5:30 PM
Midweek Services: Wednesdays, March 12-April 9 at 7 PM
Regular Worship: Sundays at 9 AM and 10:30 AM

Holy Week

Palm Sunday: April 13 at 9 AM and 10:30 AM 
Maundy Thursday: April 17 at 7 PM, with handbells, dramatic reader, and Holy Communion students receiving communion
Good Friday: April 18 at 7 PM, a service of Tenebrae with choir, instrumentalists, and vocal soloists

Easter Sunday Worship

April 20 at 9 AM and 10:30 AM
Traditional service with brass, choir, and bells 

Wednesday Evenings at Bethany

5:30 PM

Lenten Soup Suppers: All are welcome to join us for our Lenten Soup Suppers

6:00 PM

Bethany Choir (adult and teen): Offering song to support the congregation during worship twice per month. Newcomers welcome! No experience necessary. 

7:00 PM - Wednesday Evening Lenten Services

Immediately Following Evening Service

Bethany Kids (elementary age): Activities to build faith and friendship with God and one another. 

Confirmation (grades 6, 7, & 8): Faith formation for middle schoolers, culminating in Affirmation of Baptism.

Land Acknowledgement

Bethany Lutheran Church is located in Crystal Lake on the original and ancestral homelands of the Peoria, Bodwéwadmi (Potawatomi), Myaami) (Miami), Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Sioux), Hoocąk (Ho-Chunk), Kiikaapoi (Kickapoo) peoples, and we give thanks for their presence here since time immemorial. We also wish to recognize and honor all our Indigenous siblings who have and continue to call this land their home.

Learn more about the work of Indigenious Ministries and Tribal Relations at the ELCA.