Our sermon theme for June 23 is “Created be … Reflective.”  This week I have been pondering, What does the word reflective really mean?  We could probably all make our own list of ways to define the wordWe might use words like:  thoughtful, contemplative, somber, meditative, philosophical, serious, introspective or purposeful.

When I googled the word on my cell phone, I found an interesting phrase to describe it. It said that being reflective is “to think carefully, especially about possibilities and opinions.” I really liked that, especially the first part … “to think carefully about possibilities.” I liked it because it really puts a positive spin on the word. Being reflective isn’t just being thoughtful about things but it can be a way of discovering new possibilities for life and living!

We have several rich scripture texts to help us consider our theme for the week:

  • We have Job, a well-known Old Testament character, in which scripture says, “There is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man who fears God and turns away from evil.” (Job 1:8).  He was a guy who seemed to have it all … and then one day he didn’tHe was stripped of everything he had and it caused him to ask the difficult question, “What did I do to deserve such suffering?”  When God finally spoke to him, God asked Job to think about the wonders of creation (see Job 38:1-11). 
  • We have a psalmist (see Psalm 107) who invites us to consider God’s love and the way God saves those in trouble. 
  • We have our Gospel reading (Mark 4:35-41) in which we hear the story of Jesus calming a stormWhen Jesus does that, and the disciples have time to catch their breath again after their fear of dying on the waters, it causes them to become reflectiveThey say to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” 

Some questions for you to consider before we gather together for worship: 

  • What does the word “reflective” mean to you? 
  • Does the word have a positive or negative connotation for you? 
  • Do you set aside time in your day to simply sit back and reflect on your day, on your activities, or the people who have touched your life that day or about new possibilities that may be awaiting youIf you do, where is your favorite “reflection” spotIf you don’t have a place or a time, do you think you could benefit from having one? 

I look forward to joining you at worship the next three Sundays while Pastor Cathy is taking some respite timePlease come and join the people of Bethany as we ponder what it means to be “reflective” and the importance of taking time for exactly that.