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Wednesday Words
January 10, 2024
Trusting Others...
Pastor Cathy Daharsh

In a world filled with constant change, distrust, and uncertainty, the upcoming sermon series starting on Sunday, January 14, tackles a fundamental aspect of human relationships: trust.  The theme, "Trusting Others," invites us to delve into the complexities of trust, especially in a world where fear, artificial intelligence, and deceit seem to overshadow our daily lives.

The series begins with the question: How do we trust in a world that often stirs up fear, a world where AI is becoming increasingly prevalent, and where individuals may resort to deception to reach success?  The overarching theme aims to explore the challenges of trust in today’s world, emphasizing the difficulties of placing trust in others in the face of community and world challenges.

Each week, the series unfolds with a specific sub-theme, encouraging those who come to worship to take notes and engage deeply with the sermons exploring different areas of trust.

January 14: Trusting Others... With Our Truths
This Sunday reflects on the authenticity of our interactions, challenging truth and transparency in our relationships.

January 21: Trusting Others... With the Narrative
The narrative we construct about ourselves, and others significantly impacts trust.  This session explores the stories we tell and how they shape our perceptions of trust.

January 28: Trusting Others... With Authority
Delving into the dynamics of trust and authority, this week's sermon encourages contemplation on how authority figures influence our lives, and the role trust plays in such relationships.

February 4: Trusting Others... With Our Well-Being
Trusting others with our well-being is a profound act that requires vulnerability.  This week's sermon explores the challenges and rewards of trusting our physical and emotional well-being to others.

February 11: Transfiguration - Trusting Others... As We Change
As the series concludes on Transfiguration Sunday, the focus shifts to how trust evolves through change.  Embracing transformation and trusting others during moments of transition become central themes.

In a society where trust is uncertain, this sermon series offers a timely exploration of how individuals can develop trust in the face of adversity, guided by God's grace, love, and forgiveness.  As we engage with the scriptures and reflections, we will be encouraged to navigate the complexities of trust in a rapidly changing world, ultimately seeking a deeper connection with both each other and our relationship with God.

Peace and Trust,

Pastor Cathy