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We hope this message finds you healthy and excited for the year ahead! Here's a quick look at our upcoming meetings—mark your calendars and join us for great presentations (and donuts and coffee, of course).

  • Monday, January 21th, 9:00 AM (Luther Hall):
    Liz Quinn, Bethany's Director of Communications & Events, will share insights into her work and her involvement with "Our Church of Love" and the Bethany Art Series.

  • Monday, February 17th, 9:00 AM (Luther Hall): An informative presentation by Sue Grossinger on balance and fall prevention. Have you or someone you know taken a tumble? Learn practical tips to stay steady and avoid common hazards—like that pesky heel caught on the stairs! Plus, enjoy free coffee and donuts while you gain valuable insights. Don't miss it!.

  • Monday, March 17th, 9:00 AM (Luther Hall):
    Bonnie Drew from the Crystal Lake Public Library will showcase exciting opportunities available to us.

  • Monday, May 19th, 9:00 AM (Luther Hall):
    Don’t miss "Save a Smile's" new mission video, organized by Dave Olsen.

A big thank-you to Jack Heisler for his $500 donation to the Senior Account, along with the $1,000 expense account from the Church Council. See you there!