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Thanks to the generous donations and efforts of our congregation, we have been able to stock the Blessing Box shelves with essential items that aid individuals and families facing food insecurity. It is one of the many things we do that makes Bethany special.

The shelves in the Blessing Box hold a variety of goods, from canned vegetables to pasta and sauces, ensuring that we can offer a diverse selection to those who rely on our support. The Blessing Box's continuous abundance reflects a warm and caring congregation.

As we continue to serve our community, we encourage members to really consider what is being donated. Perishable items, such as fresh vegetables, bakery items, or items needing refrigeration are not accepted. Also, please check all expiration dates before donating. Not only is providing food out of date a health risk, but in many places, supplying expired food is illegal, and exposes us to liability.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling, offering not just sustenance but also hope and solidarity. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. Let us keep our shelves stocked appropriately and our hearts open as we extend a helping hand to those in need. 

Some ideas for donation...
(Items designated with an (*) have been especially requested)

  • Canned Vegetables: *Whole kernel corn
  • Canned Fruits: Pineapple, peaches, pears, fruit cocktail
  • Canned Proteins: *Black beans, *pinto beans, tuna, chicken, salmon,
  • Dried Beans: *Black and *pinto
  • Pasta and Rice (not whole wheat): *White rice, spaghetti, macaroni, Chef Boyardee
  • Pasta Sauces: Marinara, alfredo, pesto
  • Cereal and Oatmeal: Breakfast cereals, instant oatmeal packets
  • Canned Soups: Chicken noodle, tomato, vegetable
  • Boxed Meals: Macaroni and cheese, rice, and pasta mixes
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • *Cleaning Supplies