In our lives, we often crave stability and predictability. Yet, as people of faith, we are reminded that we are created to be disruptive. This may sound opposite of what people of faith should do, but being disruptive means challenging injustice and striving to align our actions with God’s will, even when it shakes the foundations of our comfort and certainty. 

From the assigned readings this week, we find examples of God’s disruption. The prophet Amos received a vision from God involving a plumb line—a tool used to measure the straightness of walls. This vision was more than a construction lesson; it symbolized God's standard of justice against which he judged Israel's corruption. Amos's mission was clear: he was created to be disruptive. He was to confront the corruption and complacency of Israel’s leaders, to realign the community with God's vision, despite the personal risks involved. 

Also, John the Baptist shows us disruptive faith. He openly condemns Herod’s actions. John's life serves as a powerful reminder that the call to disrupt is not always met with applause, but is essential in naming God’s truth. 

This calling to disrupt is not reserved for biblical prophets alone, but is a call for all of us. Take, for example, my friend Sarah, a dedicated teacher who noticed that the educational system in her school was failing its most vulnerable students due to outdated policies and unequal resource distribution. Rather than accepting the status quo, Sarah took it upon herself to challenge the system. She raised the issue with the school board, organized a fundraiser, and campaigned for policy changes, facing resistance from those who preferred the comfort of this is the way we have always done this. 

Sarah's actions illustrate how we, too, are created to be disruptive. Like Amos and John, her efforts were grounded in a desire for fairness and equity. Her advocacy brought about tangible improvements, demonstrating that disruption, while uncomfortable and often met with resistance, can lead to significant positive change. 

Being disruptive, therefore, is a crucial part of living out our faith. It involves stepping out of our comfort zones to address injustices and bring God’s vision for a righteous and just world into reality. It is about measuring our actions and not settling for a world that falls short of the world that God imagined and hoped for us. Amen.

We are called to be disruptors in our own lives, to challenge systems and practices that perpetuate injustice, and to stand firm in the truth. By doing so, we fulfill our divine mandate and contribute to creating a world where justice, truth, and peace are not just ideals but lived realities. Let us embrace this call to be disruptively faithful, aligning ourselves with God’s vision and becoming agents of His transformative justice in the world.