We’re starting a new five-week adventure called “Our Expansion Story: A Journey of Faith and Generosity.” It’s a chance to look at how faith and generosity have shaped our lives and our church community. Over the next few weeks, we’ll share some incredible stories from the Bible and connect them to our own experiences. 

But before we jump in, let me share a story that’s very close to my heart. 

Last year after our son Mitchell passed away, Tom and I were just trying to get through each day. It was a time filled with grief and loss, and everything felt heavy. But in the middle of it all, our neighbors showed us what real generosity looks like. 

Every Monday, without fail, our garbage cans would magically make their way from the curb back to the garage while we were at work. We never saw who did it, but we knew it was a way of saying, “We’re here for you.” They didn’t stop there. The front yard was always weed-free, and when Halloween rolled around—a day that has been full of joy for our family but a bit harder last year—neighbors took turns standing by us as we gave out candy, making sure we were never left alone. 

These weren’t grand gestures, but they were exactly what we needed. Every little act of kindness sent the same message: “We see you, we care about you, and you’re not alone.” It was these small acts that made all the difference, showing us that generosity isn’t just about giving money or things; it’s about showing up for each other, especially when life gets tough. 

That’s what this journey is all about—finding ways to show up for each other and our community, just as God shows up for us. Here’s a look at what we’ll be exploring together: 

Week 1: Remember — The Promise of Passover 

We’ll start by looking back at the story of Passover, where God provided a way for the Israelites during a time of fear and uncertainty. Jesus echoed this promise at the Last Supper, reminding us that God’s provision is something we can rely on, no matter what. 

In worship, we’ll take a moment to remember how God has provided for us in our own lives. You’ll be invited to write down something you’re grateful for—maybe a time when you felt God’s presence or received unexpected support. We’ll gather these memories on the altar as a sign of our shared gratitude. And the Sunday School kids will be sharing their own stories during the Children’s Sermon. I can’t wait to hear what they have to say!