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As we begin our series, "Our Expansion Story: Faith and Generosity," we enter a time of reflection and growth. This week’s theme, "Release," invites us to let go of what doesn’t serve us. The scriptures remind us that God is with us even when we struggle to feel it.

From a young age, I experienced anxiety—not just nervousness, but fear so intense it made me physically ill. As part of my school’s Speech and Drama Team, I worried endlessly about performing perfectly, fearing that failure would mean losing respect. I built up "golden calves"—false sources of security. I believed that hard work and perfection would protect me, but none of it truly sustained me.

When I became captain of the speech team, I realized something: I couldn’t lead with integrity while being consumed by fear and anxiety. I needed to rethink my approach to leadership and control. This realization was a turning point, but the process of confronting my anxiety and releasing control took time, practice, and support from my community. It wasn’t about suddenly "letting go" in one grand moment—it was about slowly learning to find healthier ways to cope. I began journaling, speaking openly about my struggles, and allowing myself the freedom to fail. This journey didn’t mean that my anxiety vanished, but it did open up space for God’s presence, even in the midst of uncertainty. I saw God’s care reflected in my teammates, who valued me for who I was, not what I achieved. I experienced God’s presence in moments when I chose rest over pushing myself to exhaustion. I also found that I could give to my teammates more genuinely, offering myself generously from a place of fulfillment rather than constantly pouring from an empty cup.

This experience taught me that release isn’t about giving up—it’s about making space for God’s presence. Mental health struggles aren’t a sign of weak faith; they are part of being human. God is with us in these moments, offering compassion and a deeper sense of purpose, shifting our focus away from material success and toward divine love.

Week 2: Release — The Golden Calf

This week, we’ll revisit the story of the Golden Calf and talk about what happens when we put our trust in things other than God—whether it’s money, success, or security. It’s a reminder that we’re called to let go of those things and make room for God’s grace.

This Sunday is also special for me because it marks my first official Sunday preaching at Bethany. I’m excited to begin this journey with you and look forward to exploring faith and generosity together.