Music is an integral part of the worship experience at Bethany and is a celebration of God’s creative spirit in humans. There is a place for everyone in Bethany’s music ministry regardless of prior experience or musical training!

Why join an ensemble or volunteer your musical gifts? 
  • Musicking is an overwhelmingly rewarding experience.
  • You get an in-depth understanding of our music. 
  • You are expertly supported as you take risks, stretching and sharpening your musical abilities. 
  • You provide an invaluable service to our worship and your fellow congregants. 
  • You join a warm and welcoming community of fun-loving, mutually supportive, hard-working musicians. 
Share Your Musical Talents
Can't commit to a whole year?

Try joining an ensemble for a season:

  • Fall - Starts in September and culminates on All Saints Sunday in early November
  • Advent & Christmas - Preparations begin after All Saints (early November) and culminate on Christmas Eve (late December)
  • Epiphany & Transfiguration - Starts in January and culminates on Transfiguration Sunday (Sunday before Ash Wednesday)
  • Lent & Easter - Begins after Transfiguration and culminates with Holy Week and Easter Sunday services
  • Eastertide - Starts after Easter Sunday and culminates on Trinity Sunday in early June.
Bethany Choir

The Bethany Choir sings during the 1st and 3rd Sunday worship services of the month, and rehearses each Wednesday from 7:00–8:30 p.m. in the music room. Whether you would like to join us for a month, a season, or the whole year, all are welcome to join this ensemble, regardless of age or musical training!

Bell Canto Ringers

The Bell Canto Ringers play on the 2nd Sunday of the month and rehearse each Thursday from 7:00 - 8:15 p.m. in the music room. Whether you’re able to ring for the whole year or just a season, come and join us. No previous experience is necessary. If you have a sense of rhythm, come learn!

Children's Choir

Children's Choir meets each Wednesday evening during the school year from 6:00–6:30 p.m in the drama room. Our Children's Choir is led by Ms. Lena Burke. All are welcome whether you are part of the Bethany community or not.

Youth Choir

Youth Choir meets each Wednesday evening during the school year from 6:30–7:00 p.m in the drama room. Our Youth Choir is led by Ms. Lena Burke. All are welcome whether you are part of the Bethany community or not.

Youth & Adult Musicians

Our youth often share their musical gifts and talents with us, especially at our 10:30 a.m. service. We are also grateful for adult vocalists and instrumentalists, who share their gifts as well. If you are interested in sharing your talents with us, please contact Aaron, our Director of Worship and Music.

Summer Musical

Each summer Bethany puts on a musical theatre production geared towards youth participation but the cast and crew are often intergenerational. Whether you want to act and sing on stage, be part of the technical crew, or help behind the scenes, we have a role for you! Auditions for the cast take place earlier in the summer and then, after several weeks of independent learning, the cast and crew come together for an intensive week that culminates with two (2) performances. All are welcome to participate, regardless of whether you are a part of the Bethany community or not!