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Synod Assembly was held on Friday, June 14 - Saturday, June 15. 
Voting Members that attended the Synod Assembly from Bethany: 
Pastor John Cunningham
Larry and Karen Johnson
Hector Mendoza, our Council Secretary
Lisa and Clara Solak
Hector shared some of the discussion from the assembly, "At the assembly we discussed what we can do to meet people where they are and take opportunities to serve our community. We also beared witness at the value of our work and resolutions. A resolution to remove some anti semitic language from the lectionary that passed from our synod in 2019 was adopted by the church wide ELCA. It was also adopted by the Episcopal Church. So something that started here at the Northern IL synod is changing the way lectionary is read and presented in churches all over the world."
Below Lisa reflects on what else we can do as a community to serve others. 

First - The Foundation of Us
What do we do already? Compile a ministry booklet and online page(s) what ministries/groups do we already have? What do they do? Who do they support and how? And what do they need.

Pair members with ministries that are a good fit - who can share time and talents, even at a minimal level. Many hands DO make light work.

Second - Outreach Approaches
At the assembly, we were taught that evangelical ideas was about sharing. Not preaching, not beating people over the head with the Gospel, but living it.

Third - Look for Opportunities! 

Here are some brainstorm ideas our group came up with to get us started..

MCC - they have a food pantry, technology loan program, and school supply pantry. What can we provide? Batteries? Pens? Notebooks? Snacks?
Oasis at MCC - what do they need?
CL Park District - group volunteerimg for Special events
McHenry area Adopt a Highway
Downtown Crystal Lake (events/runs)
Raue group volunteers
Chamber of Commerce
People in Need Forum and booklet, who needs aid?
Nursing Homes
High Schools
People that are marginalized, hurt by the church, refugees…
BLC “block party”
Gatherings at the peace pole each month

Thank you to those voting members that attended!
Here's a link to learn more about what happened this year at the assembly: