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We are happy to share the success of our recent church drama camp production of "The Wizard of Oz:Youth Edition"! This event brought our community together in a spirit of creativity and collaboration. Over 70 youths participated, highlighting their talents and passion for the performing arts. 

Behind the scenes, over 40 volunteers generously gave their time and effort to make this production a reality. Their hard work and commitment were instrumental in creating a memorable experience for everyone involved. 

The impact of "The Wizard of Oz" extended beyond our church walls. Families, friends, and supporters witnessed the performance on stage and celebrated the achievements of our young performers and volunteers. Each night, our sanctuary was filled to capacity with spectators.  

We are truly proud of each participant and grateful to everyone who contributed to the success of this event. Thank you to our talented cast, dedicated volunteers, supportive families, and our entire church community for making "The Wizard of Oz" drama camp a resounding success and a true testament to the spirit of fellowship and creativity within our church. 

For those interested in exploring further, the program of the cast and crew is linked below.

Wizard of Oz Cast & Crew