Next Sunday, July 28, we are excited to share the theme “One Loaf, Many Tables,” which reflects the heart of our faith – unity and inclusivity. This theme connects well with the experiences of our youth who participated in the recent ELCA Youth Gathering under the theme "Created to Be."

The Youth Gathering was an incredible experience, filled with moments of inspiration and spiritual growth. Participants had the opportunity to connect with peers from diverse backgrounds, sharing their stories and forming new bonds. During the Sunday sermon on July 28, our youth will share their personal reflections and insights from the gathering, showing how they have witnessed and lived out the theme "One Loaf, Many Tables."

"One Loaf, Many Tables" reminds us of the unity we share in Christ, no matter where we come from or what our backgrounds are. It highlights that, despite our different lives and experiences, we are all part of one community, supported by the same God. This theme is particularly meaningful as we hear from our youth, who have experienced firsthand the power of coming together as one, celebrating our shared faith and mission.

We invite everyone to join us this Sunday as we celebrate "One Loaf, Many Tables" and hear inspiring stories from our youth. Together, let us be thankful for the abundance of God's love and grace, recognizing that we are all part of a larger, united whole. May we be reminded and encouraged that we are "Created to Be" a community that stand for God's inclusive love and generosity.

Come join us to share stories, connect, and praise God for His goodness and support. We look forward to seeing you there!

Peace and Hope,
Pastor Cathy