Then Peter came and said to him, "Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?" Jesus said to him, "Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times.  – Matthew 18:22

In the assigned reading this week, Peter approaches Jesus, wanting to learn and grow in his understanding of forgiveness. He asks a question that many of us may wrestle with: "How many times should I forgive?" 

Yet, Jesus' response transcends human comprehension; it is not a finite calculation, but an infinite wellspring of grace. Do we, like Peter, long for straightforward answers and theological formulas, or are we willing to embrace the boundless colors of grace?

As we reflect on Psalm 119, we are reminded of the transformative power of God's word in guiding our paths and preserving our integrity. The psalmist's commitment to treasuring and meditating on God's commands serves as an invitation for us to deepen our devotion to scripture. How can we allow God's word to shape our lives and decisions, building our connection to God?

This Sunday, we are honored to welcome Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Senior Director for New Ministry Development and Evangelism for the ELCA, as our guest preacher. With his wealth of experience and passion for evangelism, Pr. Miguel will guide us in exploring the significance of forgiveness, grace, and reconciliation in our faith journey. His message will inspire us to embrace the transformative power of God's love and extend grace to others.

As we gather in worship this Sunday, let us come with open hearts and minds, ready to be transformed by the teachings of Jesus and the guidance of His Spirit. Together, may we experience the beauty of forgiveness, the depth of grace, and the joy of reconciliation. We look forward to welcoming you to our worship service as we continue to journey together in faith.

Pastor Cathy Daharsh