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Do you like to bake cookies or brownies? Social Ministry is refreshing our list of cookie bakers for Sheltered Village. Our list of bakers has declined due to people moving, etc. If you are willing to bake for Sheltered Village once or twice a year, please consider adding your name to the list. 

When we need cookies, we will send out a request to those on the list and our bakers let us know if they can bring two or three dozen cookies/brownies to church. Last year, we brought cookies to Sheltered Village twice - Valentines Day in February and staff appreciation in September.  The residents also like many brands of packaged cookies, so if you are not a baker but wish to purchase a couple of packages of “boughten” cookies for the occasion, that is good, too.  

If you can join our “cookies for Sheltered Village” list, email your name to Gail Richer ( or Darlene Shaffer ( ) or leave your name and number with the church office. Thank you!


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