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One of the side benefits of the pavers installed in front of the endowment-funded prayer garden is that we gained extra "living space" adjacent to our concrete pad under the awning. This truly was a "happy accident" as we didn't realize this space would be conducive for a table and chairs to relax, enjoy conversations, and even partake in a meal or small study together outside.  An anonymous donor has generously provided means to purchase a table and chairs as well as annual planters that sit on the entrance knee walls to the prayer garden.  
While we don't have a lot of green space on our property, that hasn't stopped us from creating a space where you can truly enjoy nature and the wonderful plantings in the front beds including the parking lot flower gardens so well tended to by CaroLynn Whaples!
What's next: The prayer garden awaits stone benches that will be semi-constructed off-site then permanently adjusted to the space to accommodate for the necessary water run-off pitch. A stone cross is also being made for the far brick wall as our focal point in that space. 
While we wait in between steps, please start enjoying the space!