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Life doesn’t always go the way we plan. We face uncertainty, doubt, and challenges that make us question what’s ahead. Abram, later known as Abraham, knew this all too well. In Genesis 15:1-6, we find Abram doubting God’s promise of countless descendants, especially as he and Sarai were growing old without children. But God reassures him, reminding Abram that faith, even in the face of uncertainty, means trusting that God’s promises are true.  

In Hebrew, the word for faith is he’emin, which means to trust God’s plans and promises. It’s also the root of the word “amen.” So, when we say “amen,” we are affirming, "It shall be so!"—a declaration of faith in God’s goodness, even when life feels uncertain.  

I was reminded of this trust when I was driving to the rehearsal for Jeff and Renee’s wedding on Friday, using the GPS that seemed to be leading me in the wrong direction. I had moments of doubt, tempted to turn back and take a different route. But after sticking with the GPS’s instructions, I arrived at my destination, safe and sound and on time, realizing it had been right all along.  

Faith in God is a lot like that. There are times when we want to take control because God’s leading seems unclear or slow to unfold. Abram, too, doubted when he couldn’t see the way forward, but God reassured him, saying, “Look toward heaven and count the stars, if you are able to count them... So shall your descendants be” (Genesis 15:5). God invited Abram to trust, not based on what he could see, but on God’s enduring faithfulness. 

In our own lives, we often face moments when we doubt or struggle to trust in God’s promises. But like Abram, we are called to he’emin—to believe, to trust, and to declare, “It shall be so!” God’s faithfulness remains constant, even when our path seems unclear. And just as God kept promises to Abram, God continues to guide, bless, and walk with us today.  

As we reflect on this story, may we find encouragement to trust God’s promises, even in our moments of doubt. Faith, after all, is not about having all the answers but about trusting in God’s unfailing love and guidance. Amen!